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jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

A visit to the pediatrician

We have been scolded by a doctor today, can you believe it? I was so surprised I haven't even answered back. He said I haven't been feeding her right. She is approximately in the 3rd percentile. I knew M is small -both short and thin-, I am not a big woman myself and we have had this problem all the time. At the beginning we were told to bottle feed her in order to make her put on weight. Nobody succeeded at convincing me and time proofed it was right to breastfeed her exclusively up to the sixth month (a bit more, actually). During the first months she put on weight and grew all right, nearly reaching the 30th percentile. Lately, after the 8th month or so she has been growing, slowly, but growing.
Today the doctor, an old-fashioned, severe doctor, has scolded me and told me to give up breastfeeding "'cause the breast is not feeding her at all now". Humm, my dear doctor, let me disbelieve you. If it weren't for the breast, she would be much smaller... Since she was able to sit and showed interest in food, we have let her lead the weaning and this has meant that some times she was not eating much. Nevertheless, she kept trying new things and eating solids every day, apart of course of nursing on demand. This doctor has probably never heard of "baby-led weaning" but I don't find this surprising. What surprises me is that a doctor may still have this kind of behavior as if he were THE authority. He has scolded me as if I were a young girl doing mischief. Then, the doctor's nurse has meant to correct me when I was explaining my daughter what they would do to her next. To be more exact, the nurse's words have been: "don't tell her so many things, just say "it's nothing, it's nothing 'cause otherwise she complains more". "Oh, my!-I've thought- how many of the attitudes towards children I dislike in only 10 minutes!" I firmly believe it is healthier and more honest to explain things than to discredit a child's own experience. My baby sometimes complains, whimpers or cries but never without a reason and we have encouraged her expression of feelings. I feel to say "it's nothing" is just to repress the expression of feeling.
Well, I would like to see the positive side of this. From now onwards, I will offer M food more often and try to get her to eat more. I won't  force her, though. She knows more than I do when she is thirsty or hungry. It amazes me how doctors tell you how and when to feed a baby as if the baby would not exist.
I wish the real patients at the pediatrician's surgery, that's children, were treated more respectfully.
What is your opinion? I would like to hear about your experiences at the pediatrician's surgery.
Do you believe it is good to tell a child "it is nothing" when something is indeed happening to her?

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola L,
    same happend to me. Maia is lower than 3rd percetil, but growing! La enfermera (cambio a español que tengo poquito tiempo) me dijo que empezara a ofrecerle pollo cada día a los 8 meses y que en las meriendas le pusiera una galleta maría machacada con la fruta... me bastó para saber que necesitamos otra ayuda profesional. A los 12 meses fue peor: la doctora propuso que el parón en el crecimiento podía ser causado por una infección y terminamos en el hospital con un sondaje y todo sin haber estado nunca enferma Maia... Ahora tenemos un homeópata pediátrico que lo que más nos da es apoyo y confianza en nosotros mismos. Maia elige, ella sabe cuando comer y beber y el pecho es necesario para apoyar este proceso. Maia nunca se pone enferma y si algún día tiene un pequeño costipado o un virus de estómago lo supera en un día y medio como mucho. Conclusión: es una niña pequeña con un sistema inmunitario muy fuerte y reactivo y una salud y seguridad muy buenas y todo en el percentil tres... sabes que te digo? que deberían cambiar el percentil 3 un poco más arriba porque yo por lo mens ya conozco tres niñas de ese peso completamente sanas y desarrollándose felizmente... Por cierto, por si algun día te ataca el temor al percentil te recomiendo probar las estadísticas de la OMS basadas en niños de pecho europeos, nuestras niñas quedan dentro de la normalidad en ellas! Sigue así mama... lo estás haciendo muy bien. Sobre lo de decir "no es nada..." a los bebés... sin comentarios, a mi también me dijeron que pobre bebe con los pañales de tela que tenían que ser incómodos... Es parte de la misma mentalidad cerrada e incapaz de aprender de los bebés: ese es nuestro gran tesoro y se quedan sin él.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu aportación, Miriam. Realmente reconforta ver que no somos las únicas, aunque en el fondo estoy tranquila por las mismas razones que tú comentas. M es una niña feliz y nunca se pone enferma. Pero ese dato no le interesó al doctor. Igual que vosotros, hemos decidido cambiar de profesional. Tal vez te pida consejo...
      Qué alegría encontrar otras mamás con quien compartir sentimientos y crianza. Estoy muy contenta de haberte conocido. Gracias!
