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domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

On our shelves this month

When the year -and the month- started I wanted to prepare a basket with winter items but I always try to follow M's current interest and as she has lately been very much into putting things inside other things and looking for animals in books, I thought this would make a better theme. Her new attraction are farm animals (one of her Christmas presents was a whole set of farm animal magnets) and looking for ideas around the house I discovered we had several hen-related activities that suited her interests.
This is what I prepared for one of her shelves.

The first item on the lower shelf is an imbucare box, followed by a stacking rings activity where you can find an egg hidden behind the last ring -the red one. Then we have a stuffed hen and some egg-boxes, which my mother painted for M, and finally a basket of wooden eggs. On the upper shelf I placed three books related to our theme: the farm.

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