About me and my blog

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

What have we been up to?

I am very happy to be back and I am back with great news. I feel I would need a whole day to write all I want to write but I will have to do with less. So, here it is, our big piece of news: M is going to be a big sister in December this year, just about the week she'll turn 2.
Having said that, you see my excuse for the lack of posting lately. I have been feeling rather sick and extremely tired. Besides, our computer broke down and we survived without computer for 3 weeks!! There is much more to be said, and I expect to be able to start writing soon. For the moment being, I will am happy to share a few of our latest pics with you.

Many thanks for being there!!

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm so excited for you and M both - and your husband, too, of course. I hope your energy is slowly beginning to return and the sickness fades soon. M seems to be happy and busy through it all!

  2. Thanks, Melissa. I am glad you are following us along.

  3. Quina sorpresa i il·lusió, enhorabona família!!

  4. Moltes gràcies, Esther. Em preguntava per tu, però com veus, he estat trobant-me malament i amb massa feina i quan arribava l'hora en què em posaria a escriure mails, m'adormia. Com us va?
