About me and my blog

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Homemade materials and toys

Some of the homemade materials and toys we've recently made have been dictated by the kind of activities M is interested in but there were some that are either timeless, see discovery bottles, or planned for the near future.
 A simple box and toilet paper roll for coordination skills. M found this way too easy so I am currently doing another one with three cylinders -small, medium, and big.
 Bottle caps and handmade box. We used a small box, strengthen it with construction paper and covered with sticky contact paper. The interior of the drawer is lined with purple velvet. It was very easy to cut a slit with the paper cutter, and voilà!
 This sensory bottles are merely bottles filled with water and (red / golden) glitter. Easy, cheap, and very nice. M likes them a lot.

Having dressing skills in mind, I have designed a sun with detachable rays. M is not ready to button her clothes yet but she is always willing to help me dress her so I feel it won't be too long before she starts noticing buttons, hooks, zips, and so on. This activity is intended as a motivation. For the ball I used a knitted ball (thanks, mum, for helping me with that). The rays are made with felt. The buttons were removed from an old jacket before trashing it.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hola Laura, sóc l'Esther i ens vam conèixer a la reunió del divendres passat amb Mamás Graciosas (sóc la noia que estava a la teva dreta, la mare d'en Joel).

    M'agrada molt el que ens expliques al teu blog i m'hi passaré sempre que pugui. I amb el teu permís, avui mateix em posaré a fer aquest factàstic sol que ens ensenyes :) En Joel de moment comença a estar interessat en desvestir-se.

    Sobre el curs de formació Montessori que et vaig comentar, està organitzat per Jaisa Educativos (http://www.jaisaeducativos.com/), però encara no m'ha arribat la informació completa.

    Una abraçada

  2. Gràcies pel missatge, Esther. Va ser un plaer conèixer-vos divendres. Encantada de que alguna cosa et pugui inspirar per fer activitats amb el Joel. Un nen encantador!
    Gràcies per la informació. Teniu pensat anar-hi vosaltres?
    Una abraçada!

    1. Hola bambina :) Sí, he decidit apuntar-m'hi i ja m'ha arribat la info. Si tens correu electrònic te'l puc reenviar de seguida que pugui.

  3. What wonderful ideas! There is so much that can be done with ordinary household items, and these are wonderful inspiration! So cool that you're able to come up with ideas to foster the things see developing in M :)
